
How to Travel the World in San Francisco

在这座滨海湾之城,你可以体验到各种各样的体验, offering tastes of China, England and more.

贝博体彩app最大的特点之一是,它可以立刻把你送到遥远的国家,而不用离开它的丘陵, picturesque streets. 从满是锦鲤池塘和盆景树的日本茶园,到贝尔登街(Belden Street)狭窄的小巷,这里是这座城市法裔美国人社区的中心, 在这座滨海湾城市,到处都是隐藏的文化胜地. 

The Netherlands
Dutch Windmills

贝博体彩app金门公园的最西端看到两个荷兰风格的风车, you might forget that Holland is more than 5,000 miles away. These two windmills, known as the Dutch and Murphy windmills, 是一百多年前为公园修建的灌溉系统吗. 风车周围精心维护的花园种满了各种郁金香和其他植物, 其中大多数与荷兰发现的相似. Visitors can take leisurely strolls through the gardens, enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, smell the flowers, 真切地感觉自己仿佛被带到荷兰乡村.

Clement Street

贝博体彩app里士满区的克莱门特街是一个充满活力的社区,可以品尝到正宗的中国文化. Often dubbed the “New Chinatown,这条街上遍布着熙熙攘攘的市场,在那里你可以找到异国情调的食材, aromatic spices, and traditional herbs, mirroring the lively atmosphere of Chinese marketplaces. It’s a culinary haven where dim sum restaurants, noodle shops, and tea houses serve delicious Chinese dishes. 来这里享受中国的品质和味道,不需要离开贝博体彩app.

Japanese Tea Garden

Modeled after traditional Japanese gardens, the Japanese Tea Garden 金门公园是贝博体彩app最受欢迎的景点之一,原因不难理解. For starters, 它以精心修剪的景观和锦鲤池塘为特色, stone lanterns, zen gardens, and meandering paths. On top of that, 在花园的中心是一个迷人的茶室,人们可以在那里参加古老的日本茶道仪式. Plus, 茶园周围的场地具有经典的日本元素,如拱形鼓桥, pagodas, and native Japanese plants. 

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Belden Place

Belden Place, a quaint alley in the Financial District, 有明显的法国氛围,非常值得一游. The narrow, cobblestone street, 这里通常被称为贝博体彩app的法国区, is lined with cozy outdoor cafes, bistro-style restaurants, 和串灯营造出巴黎的氛围. 这里的烹饪场景是一个亮点,餐厅提供令人垂涎的法国美食. Whether you’re noshing on a croissant at a café, indulging in escargot, or simply enjoying a glass of fine wine, 参观百登广场的经历是你永远不会忘记的.


Schroeder’s, a historic beer hall on Front Street, 有大多数德国啤酒馆所拥有的有趣和热情的气氛吗. 餐厅的集体精神,强调啤酒和丰盛, 酒吧风格的菜肴反映了许多德国酒吧里的同志情谊. 它有一种活泼的氛围(多亏了现场音乐和大声的聊天)。, making it a gathering place for locals and visitors alike. Plus, it has an extensive selection of German beers, from lagers to wheat beers, 让游客深入探索德国著名的啤酒文化.

Pro tip: Go on a Monday since happy hour lasts all day.

Filoli Historic Home and Gardens

Filoli Historic Home and Gardens, also known as the Bourn-Roth Estate, is located in nearby Woodside, just 25 miles south of San Francisco. 拥有优雅的乔治亚风格豪宅和精心设计的园林, 这座宏伟的建筑类似于点缀在英国乡村的豪宅和花园. 广阔的花园使人们得以一窥英国贵族的生活, providing a true taste of the dreamy countryside.

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Ancient Greece
Sutro Baths

贝博体彩app最令人难以置信的瑰宝之一是 Sutro Baths. Built by millionaire Adolph Sutro in the 1890s, 这个巨大的公共澡堂曾经是世界上最大的室内游泳池. In addition to the main pool, it had smaller saltwater pools, an ice-skating rink, restaurants, and even a museum. 然而,这些浴场最终在20世纪中期关闭,并被一场大火烧毁. Now, 它们只不过是看起来像古希腊遗迹的幽灵般的废墟,但它们是俯瞰海洋的华丽而戏剧性的照片!

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Hotels Above Par

Hotels Above Par 是一本专家策划的世界上最酷的精品酒店和所有旅行指南吗. Launched by Brandon Berkson during the pandemic, the media publication has more than 170,总读者群为1000人,并迎合那些想要通过独特的方式连接到目的地中心的人, boutique-oriented stays and travel experiences.