Hands over seafood dinner


From hotel brunches, to delicious seafood dinners, 今年圣诞节在贝博体彩app有很多餐馆可供选择.

你是来贝博体彩app度假的,想在圣诞节有个地方吃饭吗? 或者你在外地有亲戚,你的公寓不能容纳所有的客人? 这里有一些选择,你可以有一个美味,难忘的圣诞盛宴.

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

(415) 781-4867

Stop by Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 圣诞节午餐或晚餐,中午营业到晚上8点.m. 从美味的海鲜菜肴到美味的慢烤排骨,菜单上有适合每个人的东西.

探索Bubba Gump的圣诞特辑

Crab House at Pier 39

PIER 39, Second Level, West Side

(415) 930-9400

Open from 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Christmas Day, 这个多年生的最爱保证只有Dungeness螃蟹体重至少两磅. So, strap on a bib and get to work! 圣诞节不接受预订, 让它成为你自己安排的完美场所. 奖励:他们在39号码头车库提供两小时免费停车.


Fog Harbor Fish House

(415) 969-2010

Open from 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. 在圣诞节,雾港鱼屋将有他们的完整(和令人印象深刻)!) regular menu. 圣诞节所有的桌子都将被保存下来供步行使用.


Crab next to beer glass

Fogo de Chao

201 Third St.
(415) 427-0004

在Fogo de Chao享受季节性菜单项目的节日盛宴. 它们将在圣诞节上午11点开放.m. to 10:30 p.m.,提供美味的巴西肉和节日欢呼.

Make a reservation at Fogo de Chao

The Franciscan Crab Restaurant

PIER 43 1/2
(415) 362-7733

俯瞰海湾的喧嚣和喧嚣 Fisherman's Wharf,圣方济各螃蟹餐厅从中午营业到晚上8点.m. and offers two-hour free validated parking. 


Hard Rock Cafe

PIER 39, Suite 256
(415) 956-2013

就在39号码头的前面,F线电车的前面是硬石咖啡馆. 经典联合餐厅将为客人提供从11点到12点的服务.m. to 7 p.m. on Christmas Day.

make a reservation at the Hard Rock Cafe

Hornblower Cruises and Events

PIER 3, Hornblower Landing
(415) 438-8300

带你的庆祝活动去霍恩布洛尔游轮. 他们的圣诞第一天晚餐巡航板在下午3:30.m. 和功能的三个-course坐在餐和生活娱乐从4 p.m. to 7 p.m.


The Palace Hotel

2 New Montgomery St
(415) 512-1111

参观皇宫酒店著名的花园庭院圣诞早午餐. Reservations times are available at 10 a.m, along with 12:30 and 3:00 p.m. 

make a reservation at the palace hotel

= =地理= =根据美国人口普查,该县的土地面积为,其中土地面积为。

Pier Market Seafood Restaurant

(415) 915-5600

据说提供一些最好的海鲜在城市,码头市场将开放从11点到.m. to 9 p.m. on Christmas Day for walk-ins only. 这首歌在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第二,在英国单曲榜上排名第三。. 和谁可以通过一个机会新鲜的Dungeness crab,现在这个季节已经开始了? 你可以看到厨师们在他们巨大的开放式厨房里工作.


bread bowl of clam chowder

Salito's Crab House and Prime Rib

1200 Bridgeway
(415) 331-3226

Looking for a dining option across the Golden Gate Bridge? Try Salito's in Sausalito, open from noon to 8 p.m. on Christmas Day. 这家美丽的餐厅有美丽的海湾景色,美味的海鲜和美味的切肉. There's plenty to do in town; why not make this meal part of your adventure?

在Salito's crab house和prime rib预订


1100 Market St
(628) 895-2039

位于贝博体彩appProper酒店,Villon将提供晚餐从4p.m to 9 p.m. on Christmas Day. 他们的四道菜固定价格菜单会让你感到饱(节日欢呼).

make a reservation at Villon

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