

在您的下一次旅行中探索这些独特的贝博体彩app体验, 从金门大桥到标志性的娱乐和美食体验.

众所周知,贝博体彩app拥有美国最兼收并蓄的一些社区, incredible restaurants, iconic landmarks, historic architecture, and so much more. 可以肯定地说,这个充满活力的目的地绝不是千篇一律的,这就是它的特别之处. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite hotels, restaurants, experiences, 以及只有在滨海湾城市才能找到的景点

The Presidio

A former U.S. Army post-turned-national park, the sprawling Presidio encompasses about five percent of the entire city. 它也是这个国家一些最好、保存最完好的军事建筑的所在地. 历史爱好者可以——当然也应该——留在现场 Inn at the Presidio, a former military barracks-turned-boutique hotel. 明亮通风的室内为这座20世纪初的砖结构建筑注入了新的活力. 最棒的是,22间客房中有17间设有套间壁炉. 


This former prison sits 1.距离贝博体彩app海岸25英里,只能乘渡轮到达. 游客从世界各地来到这里,了解它的迷人 history. To explore at your own pace, plan your visit during the day; or, consider the night tour, 其中包括一些特别的活动和演示, for a more guided experience. 

Book an Alcatraz tour

Club Fugazi

富加齐俱乐部是一个剧院和夜总会坐落在北海滩附近, known for its rich Italian heritage. 该场所的历史可以追溯到1913年,当时它最初是移民的社交俱乐部. Today, 当地人和游客涌向这里,大嚼cicchetti(小盘子),享受惊险刺激, high-energy performances like “Dear San Francisco,一场90分钟的马戏表演,表演令人瞠目结舌的杂技,你必须亲眼看到才能相信. 

Reserve your tickets

China Live

The brainchild of chef George Chen, China Live is a sleek food hall in the heart of Chinatown. 热闹的开放式主餐厅设有8个专门的车站.e.(点心、炒锅,当然还有特色小吃),以及由陈自己策划的应季菜单. For a more upscale experience, make a reservation at Eight Tables, 以其精心的品尝菜单和亲密的氛围而闻名. 鸡尾酒爱好者会特别喜欢地下酒吧风格的冷饮吧, 一个隐藏的地方,有令人印象深刻的苏格兰和威士忌收藏. 

Beacon Grand

This historic Union Square hotel dates back nearly a century. 2022年6月,经过全面翻新后,它以新名称正式重新开放. The Beacon Grand pays homage to its opulent, old-world charm with vaulted gold leaf ceilings, a grand marble staircase, and an original, still operable mail chute. 418间客房被带入了21世纪,采用了灰色和蓝色的当代调色板, high ceilings, and oak flooring. 其他亮点包括一个时髦的全天休息室和名副其实的隐藏图书馆, 是为了把客人带回禁酒令时代而设计的吗.

Book the Beacon Grand

Picnic at Dolores Park

下次你发现自己在教会区,去多洛雷斯公园 picnic lunch amongst the locals. Here, 懂行的游客可以利用这个绝佳的观景机会, epic skyline views, and plenty of space to spread out. 你可以轻松地在这个对狗友好的公园里闲逛一整个下午, which is comprised of grassy, palm-fringed lawns, a playground, tennis courts, and a basketball court. 

Palace of Fine Arts

With its elaborate Roman-inspired architecture, the Palace of Fine Arts is one of the city’s most photographed landmarks. 最初是为1915年巴拿马-太平洋国际博览会建造的, 为了经受住时间的考验,它已经完全重建了. Its 162-foot-high domed rotunda is the spot for couples to snap romantic pics. In 1970, a 1,000-seat theater was added; today, it hosts events, performances, and festivals. 

Golden Gate Bridge

以其商标“国际橙色”而闻名 Golden Gate Bridge is arguably the city’s most iconic landmark. 无论你是自己探索还是报名参加导游, there’s no denying the fact that this 1.7-mile-long suspension bridge is inimitable. 过河后,去923英尺高的鹰山,从远处欣赏它.

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Hotels Above Par

Hotels Above Par 是一本专家策划的世界上最酷的精品酒店和所有旅行指南吗. Launched by Brandon Berkson during the pandemic, the media publication has more than 170,总读者群为1000人,并迎合那些想要通过独特的方式连接到目的地中心的人, boutique-oriented stays and travel experiences.