SF ballet dancers holding hands on a red background

San Francisco Ballet Guide:
What to Know Before You See a Performance

帮助您提前计划,充分利用您的贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团之旅, we offer you these tips and essential information.

A trip to San Francisco is always a treat and attending a performance by the San Francisco Ballet during its repertory season, January-May, shouldn't be missed. 每年12月的“胡桃夹子”演出也是许多人的节日传统. To help you plan ahead and get the most out of your visit, we offer you these tips and essential information.

History of the San Francisco Ballet

1933年,作为贝博体彩app歌剧院芭蕾舞团的一部分,专业芭蕾舞团来到了贝博体彩app, making it the oldest professional ballet company in the United States. 一开始,贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团训练舞者在歌剧作品中表演. 1942年,它从歌剧中分离出来,承担了在美国演出的第一部全面制作的芭蕾舞剧,如《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩》.

在接下来的75年里,贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团在克里斯滕森兄弟(威廉姆·克里斯滕森饰)等大师的指导下成长和成熟, 卢和哈罗德), Michael Smuin and Helgi Tomasson. The Ballet has consistently won awards, 其中包括1981年的《贝博体彩》获得艾美奖服装设计奖,2004年在萨德勒威尔斯剧院演出的《贝博体彩》获得劳伦斯奥利弗奖.

The troupe has traveled extensively, including engagements in major American, European and Asian cities, and many ballet lovers consider the SF Ballet a true national treasure.

The Home of the San Francisco Ballet

贝博体彩app美丽的美术战争纪念歌剧院自1932年开放以来一直是贝博体彩app歌剧院和贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团的所在地. Today, the Opera House retains its Old World charm and glamour. 宏伟的主大厅非常壮观,装饰华丽,天花板高28英尺. 该表演场地于1989年进行了翻新,并配备了最先进的设备, 3,200 plush velvet seats, 扩大残疾人通道和休息时的小食吧.



Get the Very Best Seats

你可以从网上选择一些非常好的座位,也可以向票务代理咨询. 经常光顾的顾客推荐Grand Tier或Orchestra,尤其是Orchestra的前部. 贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团的网站上有座位图,上面有各个部分的舞台视图,让你更容易选择座位.

Attend Opening Night Gala

如果你的贝博体彩app之行恰逢一月的剧目季开始, consider buying tickets to the opening night gala. Depending on the type of ticket you choose, you are offered valet parking, a cocktail reception, select dinner seating, select performance seating, an after party and an invitation to an exclusive pre-gala party.

Navigate the Opera House


  • Rent opera glasses at the coat check.
  • Ask a doorman to reserve a taxi for after the performance.
  • Accessible seats, restrooms and listening devices are all available on request.


You'll see all kinds of apparel at the Ballet, from very formal to very casual, 但你可能会穿一件简单的男士衬衫和休闲裤,女士穿及膝短裙或连衣裙.


购票很简单,使用在线表格或打电话给售票处. You can have your tickets delivered, 你也可以在演出前到歌剧院大厅的售票处领取. The box office is only open on performance dates. 




From the mind of Chef Corey Lee, comes his take on the French Bistro. 灵感来自法国美食的传统和巴黎小酒馆文化的精神, 本杰明先生利用湾区丰富的优质产品为您提供经典的法式菜肴, 鞑靼牛排, duck confit and steak frites, alongside tastefully modernized recipes.

吃 at 本杰明先生


If you're feeling fancy, 前往夜鸟, 一个优雅的餐厅在海斯谷附近的心脏,提供一个异想天开的品尝菜单. 夜鸟的菜单庆祝加州最好的多元文化和自然景观. The entire experience takes more than two hours, so plan ahead before your show.


Absinthe Brasserie and Bar

Within easy walking distance of the Ballet, 这家受欢迎的餐厅供应法式小酒馆和意大利北部风味的美式菜肴. 在表演结束后,享受创意鸡尾酒——是的,有些鸡尾酒含有苦艾酒.



丰富的表 is the culinary vision of Chefs Evan and Sarah Rich. 在贝博体彩app和纽约的高端餐厅拥有超过三十年的综合经验, the team brings a wealth of talent, knowledge of quality foods and wine, and connections with the best farms and purveyors. 一些必吃的菜是海胆炸肉酱,干牛肝菌甜甜圈和沙丁鱼片.



One of the most classic restaurants in San Francisco is Zuni Café, and it’s just around the way from 丰富的表. The late Judy Rodgers created some timeless signature dishes, including the famed roasted chicken for two and Caesar salad. 牡蛎很美味,酒吧很友好,街角的位置散发着城市的魅力. They’ve also got late night hours.



For drinks before or after the ballet, check out 白教堂. This lounge specializes in gin, 这里有北美种类最多的杜松子酒,可以制成最令人惊叹的鸡尾酒. Bonus: You can Uber 吃s, Grubhub or Doordash.

喝 at 白教堂

无论你选择只看一场日场,还是全力以赴参加开幕晚会, no other experience is quite like attending a ballet. 贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团无疑是世界上最好的芭蕾舞团之一,一定会给你留下一生难忘的回忆.

丹·罗森鲍姆 Headshot

Dan is the Vice President, Global Marketing, at San Francisco Travel. 十多年来,贝博体彩app一直是他的家(这使他成为当地人,对吧?). 在周末, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, a playlist of good vibes, a growing list of books to read, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.

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